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  1. Participants may ONLY wear the competition t-shirt during the event. 

  2. Participants must report at the registration area and report at the respective call zones punctually for their respective categories. Latecomers will be disqualified.

    • If the participant is not present at the call zone when the detail begins, the participant will be disqualified.

    • First detail is to report at the call zone IMMEDIATELY once the event has started based on the schedule given. Participants may find out about their detailing at the scoreboard.

  3. Participants will be briefed on the rules of the competition during the Competition day itself.

  4. Schedule of categories may be subjected to changes. Participants are advised to check their email, the Organiser's Instagram page and the event website for the latest updates.

  5. The Organiser reserves the right to utilise pictures and videos taken of participants for the purposes of publicity, promotion and post-event report.

  6. Different formats will be used throughout the Competition.

  7. The Session Format will be used during the Qualifying Round.
  8. Knockout Format will be used during the Final Round.
  9. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations without prior notice.



  1. Qualifying

    • Session Format

      • Each detail will have a minimum of 12 and a maximum of 20 participants.

      • Each detail will have 19 minutes to attempt to top all the boulder problems.

      • No demonstration videos.

      • Participants may attempt the boulder problems in any order.

      • Each participant has a maximum of 5 attempts per boulder problem.

      • Each participant has a maximum of 1 minute on wall per problem.

  2. Final

    • There will be 6 finalists and 3 routes. 

    • Scoring will be based on the Redpoint KO Formula. 

    • For Routes 1 & 2, all finalists will attempt until the two lowest scores are established and eliminated. 

    • The last 2 finalists standing will battle it out to be Hokage on Route 3.


  1. Qualifying.

    • Top 6 participants will move on to the finals

    • If there are more than the aforementioned participants who are eligible to proceed to the finals, countback will be used. Organiser reserves the rights to cap the number of finalists in the event of too many ties.

  2. Finals

    • Top 3 participants will be awarded prizes.


  1. If the participant is not present at the venue for registration by the end of the stated registration time on email/website, the participant will be disqualified.

  2. Call Zone 

    • An announcement will be made for the detail to report to the call zone located by the side of the wall.

    • If the participant is not present at the call zone when the detail begins, the participant will be disqualified.

    • First detail is to report at the call zone IMMEDIATELY after the demonstration climb. Participants may find out about their detailing at the scoreboard.  



  1. Time-Keeping

    • Timer will run continuously throughout the competition, displaying the amount of time remaining for each detail.

    • Whistle will be blown by time-keeper at the following times:

      • Triple Whistle: Start of detail.

      • Single Whistle: ONE minute left to end of detail.

      • Double Whistle: End of detail.

    • The next detail may move into the climbing area upon the double whistle.

    • There will be exactly ONE minute of preparation time before the triple whistle blows again, signifying the start of the next detail.

  2. Start

    • A ‘four-point’ starting position will be adopted for each boulder problem.

    • There will be FOUR strips of the designated coloured tape indicating where the FOUR limbs can be placed specifically in accordance to the discretion of the Chief Route Setter.

    • In the event of a false start, where the climber does not start the route in a controlled and stable manner with all FOUR limbs on the designated FOUR starting points of the problem, the route judges hold the right to call the climber off the wall.

    • The climber would have to queue again to attempt the problem.

  3. Zone

    • There will be a zone for each boulder problem, indicated by one zone hold.

      • The hold will be marked with strips of a different coloured tape from the start and top holds.

    • Zone will only be awarded when the participant has one hand on the hold and is in a controlled and stable position. This is up to the discretion of the route judge.

      • If the climber skips the zone entirely (does not show that he is in control of the zone), and fails to top the route but progressed beyond the zone, he will not be awarded the zone.

      • Participants can check with the route judge if they are unsure if they are awarded the Zone.

  4. Top

    • There will be ONE strip of the designated coloured tape indicating the end hold or holds.

    • Top will only be awarded when the participant has two hands on the end hold or holds and is in a controlled and stable position. This is up to the discretion of the route judge.

    • The route judge will announce to the participants with gestures to confirm the top.

  5. Brushing & Chalking

    • If participants would like the holds or wall to be brushed and chalked, please inform the route judge. The designated event personnel will provide assistance. Participants may chalk and brush the tiles themselves if they deem it to be unsatisfactory; but may only do so with the materials provided by the Organiser.

    • Participants can only request for brushing and chalking before they start the problem. They cannot ask for brushing while they are attempting the problem.

    • Participants are allowed to brush their own holds for Session format.

  6. Boundaries

    • Boundaries are marked with black coloured tape.

    • Participants cannot touch any hold, volume or part of the wall that is beyond the boundaries of the boulder problem they are attempting.

    • Side panels of the wall can be used if there is no boundary tape.

  7. Fouls, Penalties and Disqualification

    • If participants do any of the following during their Qualifying/ Final, they will incur one PENALTY:

      • Communicate with anyone other than the event officials.​

      • Communication includes talking, gesturing, or using communication devices (such as mobile phones)

      • Hit, kick or physically damage event property intentionally. Event property includes climbing holds, volumes, walls, furniture etc.

      • Use vulgarities in any language or gesture.

      • Display any unsportsmanlike behaviour. e.g. throwing/kicking items forcefully in anger, booing, taunting

      • Refuses to dismount the wall when told to do so by event officials

    • Upon incurring two penalties within the same round of qualification, the participant will be disqualified immediately and asked to leave the competition grounds. In the event of disqualification, their registration fee will not be reimbursed.

    • Using illegal aid during the competition. Illegal aid refers to controlling or using any of the following:​

      • any placements for “T-Nuts” on the Climbing Surface or any Structure;

    • If participants are on the wall when the penalty is incurred, their attempt will be recorded. If they have scored the Zone before incurring the penalty, the Zone will be awarded.

      • If participants abuse event officials, participants or spectators verbally/physically, they will be disqualified immediately. A police report will be made for serious incursions.

      • The Organiser reserves the right to penalize or disqualify any participant who commits any offensive act other than the aforementioned actions.

  8. Technical Incident

    • A Technical Incident is defined as any occurrence that results in a disadvantage or unfair advantage to a participant, which is not the result of an action on the part of the participant.

    • In the event of a technical incident, the route-setters will try to resolve the incident.

    • Participants who have begun their attempts shall be allowed to finish that attempt if they decide to.

    • If there is at least 2 minutes remaining when the technical issue is fixed, the participants will have to resume their climb.

    • In the event that there is less than 2 minutes remaining when the technical issue is resolved, the participant can choose to re-climb the boulder at another interval, as determined by the Chief Judge.


  1. Ranking

    • The scoring system adopted for this competition is in accordance with the IFSC Rules 2023 Version No 1.0, Section 8.19.

    • Participants will be ranked in the following order:

      • # of Tops

      • # of Zones

      • Attempts to Tops

      • Attempts to Zones

    • In the event of a tie during finals, countback to Finals will be used. In the event of a tie in the Finals results, countback to Qualifiers will be used.


  1. All appeals shall be accepted if accompanied by writing an official appeal (in English) along with an appeal fee of RM100.00 by the participant concerned.

    1. ​Session Format:

      • ​An appeal concerning the judgement of a participant’s attempt shall only be made after the start of the following participant’s attempt.

      • An appeal against the ranking of the participants shall be made within 20 minutes of publication of the Provisional Results of that round.

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